Want to see where Simplify with Eileen has been, and is scheduled to be, speaking?
Consider Simplify with Eileen….an informed, interactive and engaging speaker for your next event, conference, occasion, happening, meeting, panel, convention, seminar, summit, celebration…!
You will walk away with real tools, strategies and techniques you can apply to your life immediately.
Hired to deliver a 2-part workshop titled “A Simplified Life – – How to Be More with Less”, through the Adult Programming office. An interactive workshop with 1st session exploring our culture & beliefs relative to clutter, and then re-shaping our relationship with “things”. The 2nd session looks at...Read More
Co-Producer and Co-Presenter of this full-day women’s wellness workshop providing hands on exercises, information and strategies empowering women to discover their core desires and clear the way to thriving with an intentional life. Along with presenters Deborah Buell and Colleen Suchecki, our program included “Breaking Through Self-Sabotage”, “Simplified Spaces”,...Read More
Invited to present to member community on “A Simplified Life – How To Be More With Less” where we explored with real life examples how transforming your surroundings & space with better systems, flow, and functionality can absolutely transform your overall life. A Simplified Life is more joyous, more...Read More
Returning after my April presentation, we do a deeper dive with a workshop called “De-Clutter Your Life”. Examining the very real physical & emotional impacts of clutter on your life, we’ll look at how to shift your beliefs around the value of stuff. We’ll come away with powerful strategies...Read More
Invited to present to the Lynnfield Moms Group and share tips, tricks and strategies specifically tailored to organizing families. Co-presented with The Marjorie Youngren Team – RE/MAX and being hosted by Pottery Barn at MarketStreet....Read More
Chosen to present to this womens’ group about “The Real True Connections Between Health & Wellness and Organization”. In this session, we explored with real life examples how transforming your surroundings & space with better systems, flow, and functionality can absolutely transform your overall life....Read More
Invited as 1 of a team of 5 professionals offering valued services to anyone looking to buy or sell their home. Event held at Gaslight Restaurant at MarketStreet....Read More
Asked to present a workshop on “The Cost of Clutter in Your Life” where the parallels are revealed between diminished health & wellness and existing in an environment of clutter, chaos and distractions. Take aways include 10 tips on how to get, and stay, organized....Read More
Chosen as one of 5 featured speakers at “The Re-MAX / Marjorie Youngren Team Downsizing Seminar” where I presented “10 Tips Every Senior Needs to Know When Downsizing” to a capacity filled room....Read More
Invited as 1 of a team of 7 professionals offering valued services to anyone looking to buy or sell their home....Read More