Virtual Presentation – “Living The Simplified Life: 2022 Your Year To Get Organized” – Flint Memorial Public Library – January 6, 2022

Our consumer driven culture sells us and tells us to buy big, buy more, buy the newest, buy more often…and we’re left drowning in piles of too much stuff. We’re so weighed down that we often miss what’s really, truly important in our lives.

·      Do you feel held back and burdened by too much stuff but don’t know where to start?

·      Do you have years of stuff you’re holding onto from the past, and loads of things you’re stockpiling for the future..?

·      Is the concept of leaner, freer living something you’re curious about?

In this interactive session, together we will –

·         Consider the impacts of clutter in every part of your life (there’s WAY more than you think!)

·         Explore our belief systems around what’s “enough”

·         Examine the benefits of a quest for less

·         Learn proven strategies you can use to simplify your life

If we could just create space (in our surroundings, our schedules, our perceptions…) we would be able to welcome in a life of simplicity & ease.

Are you ready to start fresh in the new year and start Living The Simplified Life?
